



Amethyst has been known since antiquity, we have found amethyst jewelry that the Egyptians wore at that time.
Pharaohs wore amethyst pendants. Amethyst also adorns the ring of all bishops, which is the same color as their attire: purple.
This is why amethyst has been called "the stone of the bishops".
She was supposed to bring them clarity of mind.
Amethyst has also always been present in the jewels of the British royal crown. It is a noble and elegant jewel.


The name Amethyst comes from the Greek: the private "a" precedes "methystos", drunkenness, because it was supposed to protect from this scourge... It probably comes from a Greek legend which says that the incorrigible Dionysus, on a sudden angry, decided to take revenge on the first human passing within his reach. The spell pointed to the young and innocent Amethyst… The god unleashed tigers on her, but Artemis intervened just in time to save the girl, transforming her into her own statue of the purest quartz. Came the time of remorse… Dionysus, in grief, dropped his cup of wine, which splashed the statue and tinted it purple…


Amethyst is a natural mineral occurring in the form of violet crystals of the trigonal-trapezohedral crystal class. Amethyst belongs to the family of Silicates. This fine stone is a variety of quartz, with the formula SiO2 (silicon dioxide), with a color modified by the presence of traces of iron. It is a rock of hardness 7 and density 2.65, with weak pleochroism and fluorescence. The crystal is clear, translucent to transparent, with a vitreous luster. Like all gemstones, the weight of an amethyst is measured in carats (unit ct, 1 carat = 0.20 g).


Amethysts come in all shades from pale almost pink mauve to deep dark purples, including parma. But there are also rare green varieties of amethyst or minerals mixed with yellow citrine. Some have pure, intense color, while others sparkle with warm bursts of red, purple and blue. A crystal is often darker at the tip than at the base: some stones are cut in one of these gradient zones ranging from purple (amethyst) to white (rock crystal).


Of magmatic origin, amethysts are born from the crystallization of silica, they cover centimetric or sometimes wide geodes of several meters in basaltic rocks; or they fill hydrothermal veins in plutonic rocks like granite. If it is found in Europe, Russia and India, the main deposits of amethyst are located in Brazil, in the states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul, in Uruguay, Zambia and Madagascar.


First tip: let your instinct speak. Amethyst can be mounted on all types of jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, necklaces, amethyst pendants... Beyond the technical criteria, the most important thing is to feel seduced by the color and the l brilliance of this stone that speaks directly to the heart. However, it is good to know that the market value of amethyst varies according to the quality of the gem (brilliance, transparency, absence of inclusions) and the intensity of its color (the deeper the color, the more l amethyst will have a high price). The way of setting is also very important for the enhancement of the stone: A stone set with claws on an amethyst ring will be more luminous.


Resistant, this stone benefits from a great longevity. However, you should avoid exposing it too much to strong light, and especially to very high heat, otherwise it will change color from 250°C. Indeed, heating can be used in particular to produce citrines, yellow quartz stones. To clean your amethyst, a little water with dishwashing liquid will suffice, followed by rinsing with water then possibly with alcohol, and finally drying carefully.


Lithotherapy, the result of empirical methods combining experience and observation, has been practiced since the earliest times. It associates gems and minerals with healing properties. In the case of amethyst, this science attributes to it effects related to the appeasement of nervousness, stress, the dissipation of negative emotions such as anxiety or anger. Contact with this stone has the reputation of promoting nervous, intellectual and sentimental balance, thereby providing peaceful sleep and positive energy. In this context, it can provide assistance to schoolchildren and students. It is also credited with benefits for addiction problems. It opens the mind to everything that is a source of balance, of openness to others and to new ideas, of inner pacification, which can be particularly useful both in family life and for decision-making. It would help get rid of nightmares. It promotes openness to the spiritual world, a source of elevation of the soul. Buddhism associates it precisely with the seventh chakra, the one located at the top of the head.


Amethyst is traditionally given for the 48th wedding anniversary.
Amethyst is the birthstone of children born in February, possibly because of an association with Bishop Saint Valentine who, like most of his peers, wore this stone on his pastoral ring.
In Western astrology, it is the stone of the signs Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces.
It is linked to the planets Jupiter and Neptune and to the element Water. The amethyst geode symbolizes the inner Temple.
In Chinese astrology, the gem is associated with the sign of the Dragon. This charismatic sign evokes power, intuition, stubbornness and a natural ability to seduce. It is the sign of voluntary and lucky personalities, often in search of power.

The Science of Amethyst

Because colors resonate a myriad of concepts, amethyst shouts royalty with its rich violet, lilac and purple tones. It is one of the countless varieties of quartz, a gem mineral that naturally thrives on our planet. Amethyst occurs mostly in granite and gneiss, as well as other igneous and metamorphic rocks; and depending on the geographic location where it's collected, its physical properties can vary significantly.

Amethyst throughout History

Due to its glorious royal appeal, amethyst has been adored for thousands of years, from ancient Egypt to the crown jewels of kingdoms of new and old. For many early civilizations this stone was much more appreciated and valued much higher than gems like ruby ​​or sapphire, and therefore its story will forever be painted in exquisite manners. Greek mythology tells us the tale of Dionysius who became tremendously intoxicated both with red wine and anger for a young virgin whose name was Amethyst – and after asking a fellow goddess for help and realizing that she turned Amethyst into a sparkling white stone, his flowing tears became mixed with the red wine in the chalice he was holding, and once spilled over the shimmering rock, it magically saturated until it magically became the royal-purple stone that we now call Amethyst.

Amethyst's healing properties

Etymologically, the word amethyst derives straight from the Greek word amethustos, which means being sober and having a clear and focused mind. Since the stories of old, amethyst is known for inhibiting intoxicated states of mind, repelling dark thoughts, sharpen intelligence and business skills, protecting the immune system and successfully driving its bearer to whatever goal it has in mind. Amethyst is known for making one find its own self by bringing forth the brightest and most sincere humane aspirations while keeping one's animalistic and primal nature in check.

Amethyst cleanses both the body and the mind, bringing balance and blissful stability to its bearer's life, thus being highly recommended for those dealing with a great amount of daily stress that inhibits any possibility of relaxation and deep sleep. Those facing depression or chemical dependence also benefit from the mineral's healing properties, for it brings harmony and peace to one's thoughts and true will.

Amethyst care

In order to keep your amethysts eternally vivid, make sure to keep them safe from direct sunlight and extreme heat, as well as any toxic household product. Keeping them clean simply requires a graceful scrubbing with a soft cloth in a solution of soap and lukewarm water.

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