pink quartz

pink quartz


Rose quartz is a particular variety of quartz, whose formula is SiO2. Like him, it is part of the large family of oxides. It is a silicate colored by elements such as manganese, aluminum, titanium or phosphorus when it is rather transparent, as well as microscopic inclusions of dumortierite when it is rather cloudy.
Its crystal system is trigonal, its fracture conchoidal. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale and its specific gravity is 2.65. Transparent to opaque, it has a vitreous, white luster, its pleochroism is weak and it does not fluoresce under ultraviolet light.


Rose quartz is rarely transparent. Most often, it is inhabited by inclusions which give it a slightly veiled, translucent appearance. Its color varies according to the proportion of the elements that color it, and ranges from pale pink to peach color. Some specimens, especially from Madagascar, when cut into cabochons reveal a strange white reflection in the shape of an asterisk, it is starry pink quartz.


This mineral is mainly formed in igneous rocks, such as pegmatites, and sometimes in hydrothermal vents. It appears as large crystals or translucent microcrystals. Quartz is very common on the planet, it is one of the components of granite and we can see with the naked eye or with a magnifying glass its abundance in the sand of the beaches. It would represent 12% of the mass of the lithosphere (the earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle). The main deposits of rose quartz are located in Brazil and Madagascar. They are also found in the United States and Tanzania.


It is necessary to check that the stone does not have cracks in which the pink would be darker: this would be a sign that the stone has been artificially tinted. The intensity of the color catches the eye, but beware of excessive inclusions which weaken the stone. The finest rose quartz has a soft, even color.


Among the Greeks, pink quartz was the symbol of Initiation. For the Muslims, it is that of contemplation and for the Indians, it would be the stone of the maternal deity. In the ancient Middle East, it was dedicated to Astarte, goddess of love and war. In Egypt, at the time of the pharaohs, it was believed capable of slowing down the aging of the skin and it was used in the composition of beauty masks. Greek mythology tells that Aphrodite, rushing into the forest to save her beautiful Adonis attacked by a boar, scratched herself in the brambles. His blood mingled with that which oozed from Adonis' wounds. The drops of their mixed bloods turned into stones of rose quartz… Another version of the appearance on Earth of rose quartz cites the intervention of Eros, god of love, who would have given it to men in the hope to spread love and peace… The Romans carved seals in this rock.
A rose quartz skull was discovered on the border between Guatemala and Honduras. Like several other skulls carved in stone and discovered in South America and Central America, it would be linked to the legend of the 13 skulls. A Mayan prophecy says that thirteen crystal skulls, transmitted by celestial creatures to the Atlanteans, must one day all be reunited so that great secrets can be revealed to men... For the moment, they are distributed in different museums around the world…


The padded softness of pink quartz evokes peace, calm and tenderness... This is probably why this stone is known to be a comforter, it is supposed to heal both physical and emotional wounds. His contact reassures, reinforces self-confidence and the ability to accept oneself as one is. Linked to the heart chakra, this energy node of Indian medicine, rose quartz would facilitate breathing and strengthen feelings of love. It would help regulate endocrine disorders. It would have a moderating action on blood pressure, strengthen the heart and facilitate the elimination of toxins.
This rock soothes and reassures, it opens the mind to spirituality and helps to repair traumas suffered in the past. It would also increase sensitivity and empathy to better open up to others.
It would provide protection against one of the evils of our society, namely overexposure to the various and varied waves that pass through our homes. There are lamps carved in large pieces of raw pink quartz, which diffuse a soft and relaxing light and repel bad vibes.
Worn as a necklace, the gem would have the power to calm restless, even hyperactive children. In case of bruise, you can perform a light massage with a rose quartz: the hematoma would disappear more quickly...


Rose Quartz in Western Astrology is associated with the signs of Taurus and Libra. The related planet is Venus, symbol of love.
The Chinese incorporate pieces of rose quartz into the foundations of their homes during construction, to bring good luck to the home.

The Science of Rose Quartz

A passionate stone by nature, rose quartz is composed of silicon dioxide and gets its peachy pink to lavender tonalities from the manganese, phosphorus, lithium and titanium in its composition.
Its soft and milky coloration made it a collector's must-have, and in the

18 th century it was believed that a shortage of this mineral would occur, for its mining locations were starting to have low amounts to offer. Luckily, from several reserves in South Dakota, it's estimated that 680,000 tons of rose quartz will guarantee a constant supply for centuries to come.
It has a trigonal trapezohedral crystal system and a Mohs hardness of 7.

Rose Quartz throughout History

The oldest link to the usage of rose quartz for the production of jewelry dates back to around 9000 years ago in Mesopotamia, but this mineral had to wait until 1774 to have its first scientific mention by a German geologist.
In ancient Chinese culture, noble marriage ceremonies would always undergo a
crucial ritualistic procedure where the priest would give the bridegroom a

sword decorated with rose quartz and pink tourmaline, symbolizing eternal connection and true love between the couple.
Rose quartz will forever be associated with beauty and romance, and ancient Egyptian women would bear a rose quartz talisman whenever they felt like it's time to allow love to enter their lives, and its benefits as a youth elixir made it an adored mineral amongst the female elite of ancient Egypt.

Rose Quartz's healing properties

More than attracting love to its bearer, rose quartz allows pure unconditional love to be felt and, therefore, it increases the levels of compassion and forgiveness resonating from one's heart.
It is one of the most important minerals when it comes to awakening the kindest and brightest emotions of the human nature.

Allowing emotional wounds to be completely healed, rose quartz effectively banishes negativity and dark thoughts deep from one's mind.
Those experiencing commitment issues often find in rose quartz the heart-opening energies necessary to allow love to enter one's life.

Rose quartz inspires a loving mood that makes its bearer perceive reality in a softer and more gracious way, promoting patience, friendship and ensuring that the negative energies don't affect the mind and body's premature aging.
Rose Quartz care
Being a form of quartz, this mineral is extremely solid, even though it promotes the smoothest of emotions. No extreme attention to its integrity is necessary, but its beauty should be maintained by washing it in warm and soapy water or cleaning it in an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.