Calms emotions, creates clarity in thoughts, and helps to achieve wisdom. Amethyst is a stone of the spirit, it brings calm and clarity, helps you get in touch with your intuition, feelings and true values. It has long been considered an aid to sobriety and therefore useful in the fight against alcohol, food and other addictions. It also calms obsessive compulsive behavior.

· Its symbol: The purity of the soul. power and happiness. Sincerity. Humility and wisdom. It gives balance and protects against bad thoughts. Mallow fights depression and stimulates spiritual development.

To whom I offer it: To my dear mother or to my women 's grandmother

· Its legend: In ancient times, amethyst cups were cut to drink wine from , which prevented guests from getting drunk.

Because colors resonate a myriad of concepts, amethyst shouts royalty with its rich violet, lilac and purple tones. It is one of the countless varieties of quartz, a gem mineral that naturally thrives on our planet. Amethyst occurs mostly in granite and gneiss, as well as other igneous and metamorphic rocks; and depending on the geographic location where it's collected, its physical properties can vary significantly.

Amethyst throughout History

Due to its glorious royal appeal, amethyst has been adored for thousands of years, from ancient Egypt to the crown jewels of kingdoms of new and old. For many early civilizations this stone was much more appreciated and valued much higher than gems like ruby ​​or sapphire, and therefore its story will forever be painted in exquisite manners. Greek mythology tells us the tale of Dionysius who became tremendously intoxicated both with red wine and anger for a young virgin whose name was Amethyst – and after asking a fellow goddess for help and realizing that she turned Amethyst into a sparkling white stone, his flowing tears became mixed with the red wine in the chalice he was holding, and once spilled over the shimmering rock, it magically saturated until it magically became the royal-purple stone that we now call Amethyst.

Amethyst's healing properties

Etymologically, the word amethyst derives straight from the Greek word amethustos , which means being sober and having a clear and focused mind. Since the stories of old, amethyst is known for inhibiting intoxicated states of mind, repelling dark thoughts, sharpen intelligence and business skills, protecting the immune system and successfully driving its bearer to whatever goal it has in mind. Amethyst is known for making one find its own self by bringing forth the brightest and most sincere humane aspirations while keeping one's animalistic and primal nature in check.

Amethyst cleanses both the body and the mind, bringing balance and blissful stability to its bearer's life, thus being highly recommended for those dealing with a great amount of daily stress that inhibits any possibility of relaxation and deep sleep. Those facing depression or chemical dependence also benefit from the mineral's healing properties, for it brings harmony and peace to one's thoughts and true will.

Amethyst care

In order to keep your amethysts eternally vivid, make sure to keep them safe from direct sunlight and extreme heat, as well as any toxic household product. Keeping them clean simply requires a graceful scrubbing with a soft cloth in a solution of soap and lukewarm water.

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