The Science of Sapphire
Sapphire is composed mainly of corundum, a form of aluminum oxide that is crystalline and that also makes up the biggest part of ruby's composition, making them highly related and differentiated mostly by their colors.
Being clear blue its natural and most associated tonality, if impurities are present while it was formed, it can adopt different colors, such as green, pink, white, black or virtually any other or combination of others.
It gets its blue color from iron and titanium and the most famous mining sources for sapphires are located in India and throughout the Asian continent, but they can be found all over the world.
It has a trigonal hexagonal scalenohedral crystal system and a Mohs hardness of 9.
fancy color sapphire
Yellow and green sapphires are also commonly found. Pink sapphires deepen in color as the quantity of chromium increases. The deeper the pink color the higher their monetary value as long as the color is tending towards the red of rubies.
Sapphires also occur in shades of orange and brown, and colorless sapphires are sometimes used as diamond substitutes in jewelry. Paparadsha sapphires often draw higher prices than many of even the finest blue sapphires. Recently, more sapphires of this color have appeared on the market as a result of a new artificial treatment method that is called "lattice diffusion".
Padparadscha is a pink-orange corundum, with a low to medium saturation and light tone, originally being mined in Sri Lanka, but also found in deposits in Vietnam and parts of Africa. Padparadscha sapphires are rare; the rarest of all is the totally natural variety, with no sign of treatment.
Sapphire throughout History
Like most gemstones, sapphire takes its name from a Latin word – sapphirus – meaning “blue”, and virtually every ancient civilization in History fell in love with this luxurious stone.
Until the 11 th century, sapphire was considered a privilege for European kings and clergy, for it was believed that it could serve as a powerful shield against the jealousy that their people could feel given the gargantuan riches and powers that kings and clergy have.
During the Renaissance period, the wealthy elitist minority found in sapphire the best way to show their status and jewelry worth fortunes was a common gift to seduce lovers or increasing one's influence and connection with relevant members from that same elite.
Those who possessed sapphire gems believed that it was the most effective way to prevent their wealth and fate to ever change and to maintain their ever-growing prosperity.
In ancient Egypt, sapphire was seen as a protective talisman that could keep evil spirits and other haunting creatures of the night away from its bearer and, therefore, was the favorite stone of travelers and those that dealt with the occult world.
Sapphire's healing properties
This mesmerizing gemstone is said to drive its bearer to its own destination, bringing out from one's heart and soul the best possible qualities that can allow one's dreams to materialize.
Sapphire is connected to success in romance and to attract internal bliss and happiness, keeping its bearer always motivated to keep seeking his goals without ever letting go of his belief in himself and hope that a higher power will make sure that everything will go right.
Those facing serious depression and an undesired flow of negative thoughts, find in sapphire a magical cure that restores balance and aligns all planes of the individual's reality.
By attracting good luck and bringing dreams to a state of accomplishment, sapphire is known for its everlasting effect of calmness, serenity and joy.
Sapphire care
Being ranked so high in Mohs scale of hardness, sapphires don't require any special treatment when it comes to washing them.
A simple solution of warm and soapy water is enough to ensure that it's effectively cleansed, but those with ultrasonic cleaners and steamers might find in them the right tool to bring their sapphires to life.